10th African painting and yet ... there is a deer in it and a wolf! With some imagination, one can presume both escaped from an African zoo! My main purpose for this painting was to play a little with perspective, as the wolf is small yet the deer and the tree are huge. What I like most is the background color. The sun has set already and the wolf is hunting yet the deer is on guard and aware it is nearing. The canvas was a 16"x20" and prepared with yellow acrylic, after that a layer of liquid clear. Very few colors used for this one: Indian yellow, permanent deep red, alizarin crimson and ivory black for the sky, black for the silhouettes, ivory black and Prussian blue for the soil, the tree and the leaves. Some flowers have a hint of red on them.
Nothing was really difficult here and it has been a while that I enjoyed painting this to the full! Anxious for your comments and please, also read the many articles from many community members!
Using the dark silhouettes and just a few colors, as you do Voy, is really cool, as your paintings ignite feelings and have a story to tell. Right now, I fear for the deer though! Looking for the next milestone of the trip in Africa. ;)
Dear Madame, yes, the deer might be somewhat ackward placed yet has all to do with its 3/4 profile since it has spotted the wolf and is on guard. I learned that my African paintings give the best result with a reddish sky so will continue to use it. Thx for your cheers!
Dear Romain, it is true that I deliberately use few colours to draw attention to other things in the paintings, in this case the animal(s). The silhouette style is obligated since I paint to poorly to put these animals in full glory and color (like you successfully do!!). Yet silhouettes also give drama to the painting and that contrasts again with the flashy skies I like so much. More to come soon, plenty of African inspiration left!!
You really have this style down to a science. Awesome job!!! Your sky colors get better every time, I love the gradation and blending. Really nice work.
It is great plot here! I see that it is one moment before deer will run away.
Red sky certainly adds to the drama!
Well done, Voy!
MHK, you have been absent too long, so glad to hear you again! Yes, one secret of the sky is that I use a 2" brush for applying the paint on the canvas and an acrylic 1" hog brush for blending and accents! I get wonderful and very fast results that way!! Watch out for more African stuff soon!
Dear Sunnylady, you got the moment spot on. The deer is seconds away from being in panic, which would mean its front paw would be lifted and its jaws opened with the head slightly upwards. Who knows, I might paint such panic moment in a future painting.
The red was indeed drama intended, same as the red accent on some flowers where perhaps already some blood was spilled by the wolf on earlier hunts.
Good observations from all viewers here!!
Not only the animals, background sky is wonderful !
Nice job!
Jin, such great compliment from a background virtuoso! THANK YOU so much for that!!
Dear voy
Thank you for your compliment.
I learned a lot by continuing to practice Bobros techniques. But that alone has its limitations, so I would like to use my ideas to paint better works. You have great ideas so I am looking forward to seeing your work.
Dear Jin, indeed, also I felt limited evry early in my so rescent painting career and therefor searched for other challenges. The African story is just one of them because I adore that very vivid colouring as well as its emptyness (no dense forests but wide open plains). I certainly would encourage you, with your talents and experience, to try different ways, ideas and challenges. Also I would be very muich looking forward to see your work.
Different colleague painters are already trying this, like Sunnylady, MHK, Romain and others…. You do it as well with your Japanese scenery so …. 'have a go', it is an exhilarating adventure!
I am very thankful that Bob Ross videos and his attitude to painting and to his students invited me into oil painting and motivates me to try new things on my own. It trains me to be calm and enjoy the moment of creation I have not experienced before.
I wish to everyone here to learn and grow as an artist on their own path, but keep that warmth and enjoyment that Bob shared with us.
I will second that Sunnylady! Many thanks for sharing your effusions with us!!
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I really like how you painted the deer. And the red colour is very pretty! Nice painting Voy!